I'm sure someone got a good picture of all the grandkids but this is the only one I got of them all!
My brother Jack came up and spent the day with us. He is definitely a kid magnet and I guess a Jazzy magnet too! He is such a gentle man - I love him so much! He blesses us in so many ways!
Konnor is riding with his snowball he kept hanging on to, Katie, and Kolsen. Great times!
Karolyn and Kaylee in the huge snow fort they all built! Nice...
Kassidy, Kelton, and Karolyn taking their turn on the sled!
Cheyenne and Blackie even enjoyed the snow!
Then, Bruce has been wanting to put clown faces on the kids. So he found a shop in Wichita that sold makeup and began working his art on the kids. They all got different faces. Kaylee was so cute getting her face on by Papa!Aren't they the cutest little clowns ever? I love them all sooooo MUCH!
OkAy, who is having more fun? I think Papa! What a great memory!
A closeup of Bruce with his makeup on! This bring back so many memories of when we rodeoed full time! Thanks for all those precious memories dear. Those were great times!
Bruce on Calyja and me on Matty! Yep, there's a song that says it all....
"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end"
I think the Mama's and Papas sang that... Not sure though