Yes, we have a new member to our family, although Cheyenne has been with my niece Angela forever - we are excited to bring her to the farm for all to enjoy. And so far, she has been an absolute blessing. K-Girl was so excited she couldn't speak!! Nothing like a girl and her horse :) Kgirl would hardly leave her side, and first thing in the morning would want to ride before she or Cheyenne had their breakfast! Looking forward to her being here for many years.


Our precious K-Kids!!

Fishing is always fun, and boy were they biting!

Another fun activity were gator rides.... usually K-Man was driving.

Kelton enjoyed his ride too!

Emmy loves when all the kids are here! Can't you tell by her grin! and mine.....

Katie needs to be reintroduced again since Blackie spooked and she took a tumble! She likes Chey too!

The K-Man and K-baby and the gator making their rounds!

K-sis making a fashion statement on her ride with Daddy by her side.

They still LOVE Frankie Donkey!!
trying to post
I love the pictures! I'm so glad that we worked out a summer trip to the farm. THanks for letting us come and invade your space.
We are looking forward to seeing you guys at EAA next month.
YEA!!! It's fixed!!
Cheyenne sure was a great hit!
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