Sunday, November 27, 2011

Framing the screened in porch!

Who doesn't know we live in tornado alley? Usually hail, wind, and driving rain all accompany our severe weather in south central Kansas, except this year - we had NO rain. Well, to make a long story short, I quit going to the cellar because of getting beaned on the head by hail, and scared to open the cellar door - so I requested a cover over the cellar to prevent this. My husband never does anything halfway - so below are the pictures as my "cover" is getting constructed!  It is going to be a beautiful screened in porch - shaded and ventilated without bugs! :) What a guy!

 The beginning - and guess who is "helping". I asked Bruce how he was gonna build it and he said he just has to start and see what happens.
 Framing the deck area. Had to revent the dryer.
 Temporary plywood flooring to keep the framing underneath dry. Good thing he put it on cause we got
1 1/2 inches of rain after the decking was on.
 Stairs will also go toward wash house.
 The new composite flooring we got at Starr in Wichita.
 Framing the walls..... My work on it has been minimal! Hold the chalkline. Hold this board level - or plum??? Fetch this or that! I'm good at being a gopher....

 and now roof joists are in place...
Right now Bruce is out putting the plywood decking on the roof and he is hoping for a warmer day on monday since the roof requires at least 50 degrees for it to seal. Isn't it nice?  I'll keep you posted - steps are all temporary for now. The dogs are just now getting to where they'll use them.... Emmy & LT would just jump up on the decking but Penney would run around to the east door. Yep, things are looking great, and I love it! Hopefully the screen doors will be on when everyone is back for Christmas.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Four Generations of Papons!

Bruce and I got to take last Saturday off to go pick up Eric and the kids to go see Grandpa and Bernie. The kids was excited to get to watch movies on the DVD player and Konnor snacked and played with toys on the way over. We didn't stay too long, but long enough for Grandpa to see the kids and questions them about their activities, school, etc. Konnor was always so funny - loved showing off for Grandpa and exploring the new surroundings. We didn't get to play outside because of the awful wind but hope to go back over in the spring with the kids and go to the Independence park which has a beautiful old carousel and a fun train around the park. I know they would enjoy playing there and visiting the zoo.
 The Papon klan.
Katie's working on her art!
 Konnor running around the house!
 Kelton taking it easy!
 Four generations of meant so much for Grandpa to see the kids...
Konnor was a little wiggleworm.
The oldest and youngest Papons.
I love this one!

Konnor trying to escape! but it didn't work....

We really enjoyed the day but it was so fast - need to spend the night next time so we can go see the farm, park, and cousin Jeaneane. Somehow we didn't get a picture of Bernie. We are going over for Thanksgiving so we'll try again to get some pictures. Jo, Bruce, and I will spend the holiday - we haven't done that for a while... Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Some changes at the farm!

We had a wonderful surprise on Monday - RAIN! It wasn't a lot but it certainly has greened the wheat up around here. Farmers are really loving it! and so are we.

We've been talking about putting a screened in porch out west of the house for some time but never have gotten around to it. There are several reasons but first and foremost is the hail factor.  When going from the house to the cellar in a storm - usually get blinded by driving rain and beaned by hail. Not fun - (voice of experience here!) Secondly, I hate those steps! Since I fell off of them and landed on my face and knees - that also wasn't fun! Probably didn't help that both arms were full and didn't want to make another trip to the car - you know it's in our genes to get everything in one trip!! Right?? Thirdly, it would be a lot cooler in the summer. And last, it covers up that horrible looking concrete! Bruce has barely gotten started - seems like people still need guttering and roofs - so this project will happen a little at a time! It would be nice to have the boys home for a weekend to get it framed up, but I'm sure it will get done.

 Of course Emmy is right in the middle of all the action....
 This is a little hard to maneuver carrying groceries...
You should see Penney go under it and Emmy and L.T. jump over it.. :)
 And now -  we have new babies arriving. I love our baby calves! Always have since I was a little girl.
That is Trudy and her baby is the red one - I believe I'll name her Luty! Isn't she pretty?
 Luty and her friend - also a little girl - no name for her yet. Maybe the K-kids can help!
 Took a walk today in the pasture which I do quite often. Especially now since it is hunting season - deer season in Oklahoma. You can hear the rifles early in the a.m. and p.m. so I stick close to home for my walks. Penney, Emmy and L.T. just LOVE to go check out all the critters. Not sure what Emmy got up today, but she was in overdrive..........chasing the little critter.
 This is my favorite spot on the farm - I love to spend time on that bluff overlooking the creek and looking down at the cattle. It is our home many memories. Uh oh, I'm getting a little teary eyed....
 Penney is never far from my side on our walks - she runs back to check on me and make sure I'm coming. She is 16 now and has really aged this summer!
 My faithful friend - also a K-State fan!

The holidays are coming soon - I'm always excited when everyone can come home!
Faith, family, and friends .........God is so Good!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our home away from home

Clark Point Inn (our Bed & Breakfast) at Southwest Harbor..... we miss you!
This is the last blog on our trip to Maine. I'm so glad we went when we did expecially after the huge snowstorm in the northeast recently..

This is Clark Point Inn - they are remodeling now expanding their kitchen.

 The B&B....
 Southwest Harbor - across the street from our B & B.
Bye granite coast and beautiful ocean ----

We will miss you .......

and now - time to start getting ready for the HOLIDAYS!