Monday, January 9, 2012

Precious Moments!

After the Christmas holiday, Shawn got REALLY serious about his goose and duck hunting! I don't think I've ever seen such a bunch of geese, but the story that goes along with it is worthy of almost a TALL TALE - except it is true...... I'll let him tell the story, but as you can see, Abby was very busy for a while! The day he went hunting was absolutely miserable! Yes, it was wet, raining, and very cold! He said it was PERFECT for goose hunting!!! Boy, does he have the fever. Eric and Theresa each got a deer earlier before Christmas so I think Shawn was feeling a little pressure to bring in some meat for the family.... Ha :) They both get their love of hunting from their dad - lots of fond memories!
 Shawn and Abby with their trophies! Guess the freezer will fill up a little. He got a lot more when he got to Hutch. I bet his gun needed to be cleaned after this hunting escapade!
 and we had some birthdays! Dee turned 3 - she was so cute.
 and Shawn had a birthday too - he got a cover for his boat!
 It was pretty miserable outside for a couple of days, so we did some crafting and cooking. The kids really enjoyed working on the gingerbread barn. Almost had roof failure, but we managed to get it proped up.
 The K-kids with the barn!
 Carrie and I did some crafting too. We made a couple of scarves that I really like! I've received quite a few compliments already.
 When it was time for the Northern Papons to head to Hutchinson, three of the kids got a ride in the 182 with Papa. They look like they had a great time!!
 Look who's co-pilot - K-man assumed the responsibilities.
 and Papa enjoyed hauling his precious cargo!
 I couldn't help but post this of K-sis. She is such a hoot! Clowning around like her Papa.
 K-man had to take his own snap...
 and this was taken at the Hutchinson airport with both sets of grandparents.
Papa with the kids and his 182. It brought a conclusion to our holidays, but I have to admit - we were tired. Our house is quiet now and we miss everyone very much!

1 comment:

momof4 said...

Thanks for sharing all these pictures. We had a fabulous time! We miss you guys already. Wehope to see you soon.