This blog cannot possibly illustrate how busy we have been because so many times I either couldn't find my camera, misplaced my camera, batteries were rundown, etc. But we had a great time with all the grandkids here at the FARM. After getting back from spending about 5 days in MN playing with all the kids up there, we headed back to Kansas with a couple extra passengers. K-Man and K-Girl got to come home and are now at the other grandparents having more fun there. The weather didn't always cooperate but luckily Eric brought home his 2 oldest -Moose and Bugs - to play and play they did. I'm sure all the pictures below are self explanatory but just contact kids for more details. Thanks to all for letting them come home!! We said a lot of extra special prayers for Mommy Theresa since she has been in the hospital and we pray she is on the road to recovery now!! Yea, you have sure had a rough road and thanks to Eric for taking extra special care of everyone and Mary too!! God Bless you all!! and Miss you all very much..

Donkey and his buddies - he is already doing the Saddog!!

KMan and Blackie

This was a little scarey but we all endured - right Darlin'?

The Sandbox and Kman - he always enjoys this!!

My cowgirl :)

Papa saddled Blackie and K-Girl was a little concerned he knew how :)

Planting the garden

Best Buddies

Watching Nascar - I think...

Buggy stacked these by "Herself"

On the road home at a roadside Park.

Uncle Eric with the guys...

Papa with all the kids..doing puzzle.

Papa and kids at the park....I think at Sioux Falls.

Aren't they cute????

The gang at Red Horse Ranch

Ksis on the beam - I was very nervous - she's only 3.....

Horse Riding lessons and they loved it!!

Isn't DeeDee sweet? Papa and I miss you all!!!!
Glad you survived your week!!! The kids enjoyed every minute and I am sure they are going to go through major grandparent withdrawal after 3 whole weeks with grandparents to spoil them. :)
We love you guys!! Thanks for being such great parents and grandparents.
I'm glad Kelton and Katie got to come play with Kolsen and Karolyn, even if the reason wasn't so fun for me. Next time, Koggle and I will come too.
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