It's been in the planning stages for a while, but the first weekend in May was designated for workday for putting up the Kansas K-Kids playset! It looked like a daunting task, but as Kelton said - it's only 43 steps, and he kept tabs on everyone of them!! Bruce and I left the house on saturday around 7 a.m. and ended up in Mulvane around 9:30 a.m. with some lumber for the structure. Eric had already purchased the other stuff online. Anyway, I helped a little - but mostly played with Katie, Kelton, and Konnor. I don't know how Theresa managed to stay out of my camera lens, but she did. She really was there.... There is always lots of things to do, but it was fun watching the whole structure come together. Konnor is growing so fast!! He really got to laughing for me and enjoys talking to you and has such a beautiful grin...... Of course I'm not prejudiced....

Konnor watching the camera....

Nana and Katie enjoying the new playset!

Kelton got to help Papa too!

Eric about to finish up for the day. Kept thinking it was going to rain!! Had a few sprinkles show up though!!

Reading the plans!!

Katie got in on the action too!

Kelton, Eric and Papa working hard!!

I had went outside with some things to put in my compost pile and was greeted by such a beautiful sunset! God IS the most perfect painter ever!!

My clematis is just gorgeous right now! I do NOT know how it has withstood all our hurricane winds!! It's a miracle....
Looks like everyone was busy helping out! The kids always seem to enjoy creating things and I'm sure they were excited to get their playset built.
Konner is looking bigger every time we see new pictures. I loved the video!
It definitely wouldn't have gotten done all in one weekend without your help. Thanks so much!
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