Yes, it's that magical time of the year!! The birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the beautiful Christmas lights, giving and receiving of gifts, and enjoying friends and family. We have to also throw in their the birth of baby calves - a joy for us to see! We are so anxious to have everyone here for Christmas or close to that! Shawn hasn't been home since last spring and we miss him very much along with all the rest of his family. Eric and family will also be home too so we are looking forward to hunting for a tree to put up outside with all the trimmings for the birds to also enjoy Christmas:) I had to put some pictures of the house in the blog because they are really so pretty - I love to look at them anyway and I'm sure all the grandkids will love them too! Let's not be in such a hurry that we forget the reason for the season - Jesus!Hopefully we are not too busy to give to a family or those in need. A warm wish for the season is appreciated also!

Christmas - yes the halls are all decked out with garland and the Christmas tree is up! Even looks like Santa has made it already!!

All we need are the grandkids to create utter chaos to these gifts!

Our neighbor Blake, surprised us this week by bringing over a load of firewood all cut up! and he stacked it for us and also brought us 2 dozen of eggs! We have the BEST neighbors ever......
Might have to bake some Christmas cookies and take them over soon - I know Blake loved the Pecan Butter Balls I made not long ago - he tasted them and really liked them!!!

Our newest addition to the ranch - Judy's baby girl! Any cute names to offer for her!

She is so very tiny - but Judy had her Tuesday morning at around 5:30 a.m. with no problems whatsoever. Blackie shared his stall for this little new addition. Was like 5 degrees out. Bruce said she had ice on her hair when he saw her...
Wishing all our friends and family - a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! God bless you all!
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