With winter, comes cold, snow, and wind. None of which I like..... Bruce has been busy putting gutter up and I've been gone last weekend to a quilt retreat in Oklahoma. We sure had fun except for traveling on some roads that were a little snowpacked. However, my new Expedition handled it all just fine. I got quite a bit done and had fun with my friends!!! We went to Burlington's basketball game on Tuesday - it was fun to see all the kids again - and we got to see them score over 100 points. We were totally amazed. Might have to go watch them in tournament play.
LT has been coming in the house a lot - I guess he is my sidekick now . . . . . . and he likes it when I cook since I am so messy and some ends up on the floor!! Buggy and DeeDee would love to give him a big hug right now I'm sure - maybe he wants to go to Buggy's BD party for clean up duty!! We're getting very close to the new arrival of our baby boy - can't wait to get my arms around him.........

Carrie said the kids have been studying horses and their markings, so here's some homework. Below are some pictures of Blackie's legs and face. Can the K-Kids identify what they are?

Blackie had to show off his halter that K-Sis got for Christmas. Again here are his markings on his head. I think he is smiling :)

LT likes the snow and says hi to all the K-Kids. We got a little snow but not much!

I guess a blanket of snow on the farm is pretty. The birds at the feeders have been eating like crazy. Have to fill the feeders up every other day.
1 comment:
K-man and K-girl say Blackie has a star and snip for his face markings. He also has a sock and a partial coronet for his leg markings. Thanks for the pictures, we are going to print them and add them to our horse lapbook.
K & K
p.s. When are you coming to visit?
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